Our Year 2 Class
A very warm welcome to our Year 2 class page. In Year 2, our children are really starting to fly! Building on previous years they will become confident readers, writers and mathematicians. As school life falls into place, they find themselves our oldest infants and begin to develop a real sense of responsibility. I hope that you find all the information useful and if you have any questions I am available before and after school for a quick chat.
Our Year 2 Class 2024-2025
Class Information
Who's Who
Miss Barton- Year 2 Class Teacher
Mrs Jackson - Part-Time Teaching Assistant
Mrs Holmes – Part-Time Teaching Assistant
Mrs Bent- HLTA
Mrs Casilli - Inclusion Teaching Assistant
Supply - Inclusion Teaching Assistant
In Year 2 PE is on Tuesday and Friday, please make sure you send your child in the correct PE kit.
The guided reading schemes we use in Year 2 are:
- Read, Write Inc
- Oxford Reading Tree
Home Reading books
Whilst your child will read regularly in school you can make a big difference by listening to your child read and asking them questions about what they have read for just ten minutes each night. Your child will bring home a reading journal, please update this each time they read at home. Children need to read 5 times a week at home to earn a stamp in their reading journal.
Please note: Your child will only change their books on a Thursday when they will bring a book home to read the following week. This is to allow your child to become a fluent reader and have time to spend discussing the text.
In Year 2 we follow Read, Write Inc
Each day we undertake a RWI lesson. During this time we review the set 2 and 3 sounds and will learn a new sound each day. After the Speed Sounds lesson we look at a key text for the following three days. RWI is really helpful for embedding spellings and during each lesson we come across new 'Red Words' which, we learn how to spell and are encouraged to use in our independent writing. We really enjoy our RWI time (particularly the partner work, actions and rhymes!)
Homework is sent home on Thursdays and needs to be completed by the following Thursday.
- Spellings will be sent home on paper and will be added to Spelling Shed, a minimum of 5 games need to be played each week.
- Handwriting will be sent home in a small yellow book, each week your child will have different letters and words that need to be practised and written out.
- RWI Speedy Sounds videos will be added weekly to watch at home with your child, these will be the same as the Speed Sounds learnt in class that week.
- A maths number bonds sheet will be sent home weekly to work on mastering basic number facts. Maths practise can be completed on Numbots.
Evidence for all homework needs to be added to Seesaw by Thursday each week so that dojos can be awarded to your child.
This half term.... Autumn Term 1 (Sept - Oct 2024)
Over the next half term our topics are :
Our Literacy topics will include:
Our literacy work will start by looking at the book ‘Grandad’s Island’ by Benji Davies. As a class we will revisit basic sentence structure and will use adjectives, nouns and verbs in their writing. Linking to our Science unit of 'Living things’ we will read 'Wild' by Emily Hughes'. Using adjectives, the children will learn the grammar of noun phrases and be introduced to prepositions. After studying compound sentences using the conjunctions and, but, or, yet, so they will apply these to write a retell of the story 'Wild' adding in detail. Using the poem 'If I Were in Charge of the World' and 'Desk Diddler' the children will use its structure to write their own poem. Most of our reading will be taught through Read, Write, Inc. this half term. However, this will be enriched through story time.
Our Maths topics will include:
This half term the children will become experts at place value. They will make two-digit number using 'Numicon' and 'Base 10', understanding the important of the position of each digit. They will be able to manipulate these numbers by adding/subtracting multiples of 10 and single digits, and seeing which digit changes. This will then lead onto addition and subtraction of two, two-digit numbers. Throughout our Maths work the children will need to reason and explain their working out and be able to apply their knowledge to problem solving! Each week we will practise telling the time so that we can become experts!
Our Science topic will include:
We will begin by focusing on 'Living things', the children will determine whether objects are living, dead or have never been alive and identify the seven life processes which determine whether something is alive. The children will be able to notice that living things have offspring and order the stages of human growth from birth to old age. At the end of the unit the children will complete an information board showcasing all the new knowledge they have learnt.
In RE the children will be answering the question, What is the ‘good news’ that Christians say Jesus brings? The children will learn about the concept of ‘Gospel’ and the good news of forgiveness, peace and love that Christians believe Jesus brings. The children will read the bible story, Matthew the Tax Collector and how Christians believe that Jesus offers forgiveness, looking at their heart rather than what they have done in the past.
As part of our Geography topic the children will explore the seven continents and the five oceans of the world. They will look at maps and be able to locate each continent. They will begin to understand where they are in the world and where they live. They will look at some of the world's most famous features and determine if they are a physical or human feature.
In Computing the children will be learning What is a computer? They will learn what inputs and outputs are and how computers are used in the wider world. They will learnt to recognise the different components in a computer, recognise that buttons causes effects and that technology follows instructions and how we know what technology is doing what we want via its output. The children will complete a technology safari around the school to see what technology is used daily and create their own input and output robot.
Our Art topic this term is drawing and helps the children to develop their ability to tell a story through their drawing. They will explore mark making with charcoal and use these skills to draw their own favourite soft toy from observation. The children will learn how to draw their own characters and how they can add emotion by drawing eyes, eyebrows and mouths.
This term in PATHS year 2 will be developing the fundamental social and emotional learning skills which will enable them to make positive choices throughout life. In the first three lessons the children and adults in year 2 will work together to create a positive classroom environment. Different feelings will then be introduced to the children; happy, sad, private, fine, tired and excited. The children will begin to recognise these feelings in themselves and in others and learn how to navigate these emotions.
In Music the children are singing Folksongs. They will sing along to some popular folksongs and use these to help create their own.
In Heartsmart this term will be focused on what it means to be 'Heartsmart.' About making the right decision for us and how we have the power to change our feeling sand also the feelings of others.
Our outdoor PE unit the children will develop the fundamentals of balancing, running, changing direction, jumping, hopping and skipping.The children will work individually and collaboratively with each other and will observe and recognise improvements for their own and others’ skills.
Our indoor PE unit is gymnastics. The children will learn to explore and develop basic gymnastic actions on the floor and on apparatus. They will develop gymnastic skills of jumping, rolling, balancing and travelling individually and in combination to create short sequences and movements phrases. They will create sequences that include shapes, levels and directions.