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Our Year 1 Class    

A very warm welcome to our Year 1 class page. In Year 1 the children make the transition from Foundation Stage to the National Curriculum.  The children's confidence blossoms as they quickly develop the skills to become even more independent in their learning. We learn through practical and concrete activities and work as a team to develop our knowledge and understanding.  The staff within the classroom are committed to providing the best learning experiences possible and are always on hand if you need them.

We look forward to a very busy and fun year where we will all have our time to shine!

Our Year 1 Class 2023-2024

Class Information


Who's Who

Mrs Clarke- Y1 Teacher

Miss Taverner- Teaching Assistant

Mrs Casilli- 1 to 1 Teaching Assistant

Miss Williams- 1:1 Teaching Assistant



In Year 1 we hope to embed a deep love of reading and therefore base all of our learning around a key text each half term that can be both fiction and non - fiction. We teach writing using 'The Write Stuff.' This focuses on the mechanics of writing as we teach the children how to write with an awareness of audience, purpose and context, whilst increasingly developing new and wide vocabulary. As we work through our focus texts each half term, we will use the writing rainbow lenses to construct our writing and form our narratives. We also encourage a love of reading by sharing a whole class text each term, which we read daily together. 


The Phonics Scheme we use in Year 1 is:

Read, Write Inc


Each day we undertake a RWI lesson. During this time, we review the set 2 sounds learnt in Reception and will learn a new Set 3 sound each day. After the Speed Sounds lesson, we look at a key text for the following three days. RWI is really helpful for embedding spellings and during each lesson we come across new 'Red Words', which we learn how to spell and are encouraged to use in our independent writing. We really enjoy our RWI time (particularly the partner work, actions and rhymes!)  



In Year 1 we use Power Maths. The aim of Year 1 is for the children to become secure with basic number skill, being able to; confidently count forwards and backwards within 100, count on and back from any given number, identify one more and one less than a given number to 100, add and subtract one and two digit numbers within 20 and be able to recall number bond facts to 10 and 20. We enjoy learning through lots of practical activities and embed our skills through daily reasoning and problem solving activities. 

It is important to keep working hard both at school and at home with Maths, so don't forget there are lots of online sites such as 'Topmarks, ICT games and Numbots' to keep our Maths brains active!  



At the beginning of Year 1 your child will be given a packet that will be used as both a homework and reading packet, homework will be given out each Friday.  

  • Spellings will be sent home on paper and will be added to Spelling Shed, a minimum of 5 games needs to be played each week.
  • Handwriting will be sent home in a small yellow book, each week your child will have different letters and words that need to be practised and written out.
  • RWI Speedy Sounds videos will be added weekly to watch at home with your child, these will be the same as the Speed Sounds learnt in class that week.
  • A maths number bonds sheet will be sent home weekly to work on mastering basic number facts. Maths practise can be completed onNumbots.

Evidence for all homework needs to be added to Seesaw by Thursday each week so that dojos can be awarded to your child 



As you are aware reading is high priority for us in school, particularly in Year 1, as this is the crucial time in which your child will become an independent and fluent reader! Please make sure you read 5 times a week with your child at home. 

We change reading books once a week on a Thursday. The children will be given either the RWI book read in school that week or the one read the previous week and either a non-fiction book or another related story from the same level, a picture of your child's books will then be put onto Seesaw. Remember to comment and date underneath this picture each time your child reads at home that week so that they can receive their reward of a reading ruby, once they have earned 15 they will receive a token for the reading shop.  

It is really important that we see evidence of your child reading across the year and I love to watch and hear them reading at home, so please remember to upload videos as often as possible!   



We love Seesaw in Year 1 and it is our key tool for observations, assessment and communication. You will receive daily updates of your child's progress and I am sure that you will enjoy seeing what they get up to everyday so remember to check it regularly! It is also important that just like in Reception you continue to contribute to your child's learning journey by sending regular observations of your child's home learning and experiences.  

This half term.... Summer 2 (June-July 2024) 

Over the next half term our topic will be: Holidays!

  • English - This half term we will be using the film 'Song of the Sea' to write the introduction to the story  using 'The Writing Rainbow' techniques we will focus on learning new vocabulary, using repetition for effect, questions, alliteration and similes. We explore the central characters feelings as she opens the chest and explore the underwater environment through drama on our experience days. This will be our guided write, following this we will take the story in our own direction to describe what happens as she meets the whale to write the ending independently. We will also be continuing to work on ensuring we form our letters correctly in handwriting, use our highlighters to find the answers to questions in comprehension and make sure we have mastered our SPAG skills. This is great preparation for Year 2.     
  • Maths - This half term we will start by looking at quarters and halves of a whole, before learning the language associated with position and direction. Next, we will extend our numbers to 100 by partitioning them into tens and ones, comparing numbers, ordering numbers and learning our number bonds to 100. Next we will look at recognising coins and notes before using our counting in 2s, 5s and 10s to count coins. Finally, we will be learning the language of before and after, days of the week, months of the year and to tell the time to the hour and half hour.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
  • History - We will find out what it was like when our Grandparents and great grandparents were alive! We will find out where they went on holiday as a child and how holidays have changed within the last 100 years. We will look at why people went to the seaside and write about how holidays were then.                                                                                                                                                   
  • Science - We will continue to observe our plants growing and complete our diaries whilst looking at seasonal change. Visiting the park for our last time this year, we will focus on summer before comparing how things are different in each season.                                   
  • Art- The children will look at the work of David Hockney which he creates on his iPad. They will learn how to use Microsoft paint; selecting colours, understanding the fill button and zoom tool, becoming confident using the undo button and saving and retrieving work. They will develop their touchpad control and use their imaginations to create paintings working independently.                
  • RE - We will be looking at the question 'How should we care for others and the world and why does it matter?' The children will look at what Christian, Jewish and non-religious people believe about caring for people and how we should all care for the world.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
  • Computing-  Data Handling
    This unit requires the children to represent data in different ways. They will looks at pictograms, tables, tally charts and branching databases using an animal theme.                                                                                                                                                                          
  • Music- This half term we will be focusing on exploring sounds linked to traditional tales, the children will sing simple songs about characters and storylines. They will think about the sounds classroom percussion instruments make and match these to characters and storylines. They will improvise using simple rhythms and voice sounds to retell the traditional tale. They will use symbols to notate the story.                                                                                                                                                                                                      
  • HEARTSMART- No way through isn't true!  The children learn the importance perseverance when they become stuck and discuss ways of overcoming problems they face.                                                                                                                                                                              
  • Indoor PE - KICKSTARTERZ football skills - The children will be coached by experts in developing football skills in a fun and engaging way to develop their agility, coordination and ability to control a ball with their feet.
  • Outdoor PE - Bat and Ball (cricket) - During this unit the children will  learn how to hold a cricket bat and use it to control a ball. They will develop their throwing and catching skills whilst fielding and learn how to bowl a ball and strike it with the bat. They will apply all these skills in a simple cricket game at the park! 
  • PE days are on Monday and Tuesday so ensure you arrive to school on these days wearing your PE kit.                                                           
  • Our sporting value this half term is DETERMINATION and this links directly to our HeartSmart unit 'No way through isn't true!'. 

 Summer Term 1 NEWS!

During Summer Term 1 we were extremely busy! 

In English, we had lots of fun investigating the story of 'Little Red Riding Hood'. During this unit we embedded our knowledge of basic sentence structure, writing responses to questions and using past tense and suffixes in our writing. Some of us were also beginning to use commas and inverted commas within our writing whilst writing dialogue. This story also introduced us to a wide range of new vocabulary that promoted great class discussion as we talked about how the words are used in everyday language and where we may have heard the words before. We also spent lots of time reading alien words to prepare for our phonic screening check. We really enjoyed sharing all the traditional stories and finding out that there are lots of different versions of these stories sometimes changing the characters behaviour,

In Maths we enjoyed exploring the volume of various containers using water and using units of measurement such as cups and spoons! We also developed our skills of problem solving and using the vocabulary of 'full, half full, empty, almost empty...' We then looked at counting in 2, 5 and 10 to make equal groups and solving various word problems relating to this. 

In Science, we have really enjoyed our topic of planting and I think we may have some very keen gardeners in the future! We enjoyed learning how to plant seeds, what seeds need and how to take care of them as they grow. As a class we developed our 'working scientifically' skills as we observed real plants using magnifying glasses, discussing in groups the different parts of the plant that we could see and their functions. We enjoyed working creatively as we drew our own plant and labelled these independently.  We have also enjoyed learning all about garden and wild flowers and evergreen and deciduous trees, enjoying lots of exploration within our own home environments.

In Computing, the children got to grips with taking photographs to create our own digital picture story. We then used 'Sketchpad' on the Chromebooks to edit our photographs by cropping and adding filters. We searched on the internet to find pictures we could use for the backgrounds and add additional features to our photo which told the story better. Lastly, we used 'Freeform' app to order the edited photographs to tell our story.

In P.E. we have been developing our gymnastic skills of balancing, rolling and working with others based around a different traditional tale each week. Inside, we have been practising our Sport's Day events from running as fast as we can, throwing at a target, jumping as far and as high as we can and completing an obstacle race!

In R.E. we looked closely at the question, 'Who do Christians say made the world?'. The children learnt the creation story from Genesis retelling it in picture form. They discussed what they would by praising God for and looked at the festival of harvest. They really enjoyed making the stained glass windows which could be found in churches depicting the story.

In History, the children enjoyed finding out what it was like to live in the Victorian times, firstly learning who Queen Victoria was and how she was related to our King. The children were horrified to discover there was no technology! They compared their own home to that of Pennington Hall and enjoyed first hand experience of living in this time whilst visiting Quarry Bank Mill. They had lots of fun playing with old toys and were able to explain the clues to them being from the past. 

In Music, they explored the sounds of a variety of classroom percussion instruments and used these to represent weather sounds.  The children drew symbols for each weather and sound and structured them into a class piece performed by the children. 

In DT, the children explored the difference between fruit and vegetables studying where they are grown. They tasted shop bought smoothies to discover which flavours we like before designing and making our very own smoothie.   

Spring Term 2 NEWS!

During Spring Term 2 we explored Hot and Cold places! Using globes and atlases we found the invisible line around Earth - the equator and discovered this is where all the hottest places are. We then found the North and South Pole learning these places are the coldest on Earth! Using film clips and photographs we found out the features of hot and cold places. We identified the animals that live in hot and cold places and how they have adapted to survive.

In Science we learnt about animals, identifying domestic and wild animals we created a bar chart of our favourite pets. We went to the local park to find minibeasts and pond life, using identification keys to find out what we had found and creating tables and bar charts to show our data. We looked at a range of animals classifying them into mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians. Focusing on what different animals eat, we grouped them into herbivores, carnivores or omnivores and discovered what kind of food animals eat.

In Computing, the children recognised that digital content can be represented in different ways. They created a digital list of materials using Microsoft and used Sketchpad graphics editing software to design a rocket. Recapping an algorithm, they sequenced a set of instructions to create instructions of how to make their rocket. Finally they has lots of fun making and testing their rocket inputting data into a simple spreadsheet.                  

In Maths, we continued our work on adding and subtracting numbers within 20 using our known facts and number bonds. Later we explored in detail the numbers to 50! We have become very confident counting forwards to 50 and recognising the numbers on sight. Developing our knowledge of tens and ones, we represented the numbers in lots of different ways and compared them using the language of greater then and less than in addition to using the symbols <, > and =.

In DT we explored slider mechanisms and the movement they output, to design, make and evaluate a moving storybook from a range of templates.

In PE we continued to learn about attacking and defending by introducing a ball. This helped us to develop our throwing and catching skills in addition to learning about the importance of teamwork. We have all improved our dodging skills to find large spaces and become better at sticking to our partner when defending. Indoors, we have been working on our gymnastics skills by revisiting balancing and travelling in different ways before learning to control our bodies when completing log rolls, sideways egg rolls and the rocking chair forward roll. We then learnt that a sequence is like a story with a beginning, middle and end and had fun applying all of our skills to create our own sequences.

Our writing unit looked at how to write a report linked to our science topic on animals. The children studied an healthy ocean and compared this to an unhealthy ocean looking at the grammar of the prefix un-. Recapping on nouns and adjectives the children were able to describe what they could see before focussing on question words to make the reader think about what they could do to help. They then independently wrote a report about a zoo animal.

In Music, the children enjoyed exploring tuned percussion instruments, looking at the difference between high and low sounds through games and songs and showing this using instruments. 

In RE, the children looked at the question 'What do Christians believe God is like?' By studying the parable of 'The Lost Son', the children learnt that God is like a forgiving father. They learnt the different types of prayers they could use when speaking to God, writing their own prayer. The children enjoyed the parable of 'Jonah and the Big Fish', relating how Jonah felt at each key event, happy, sad and worried to the different prayers praising God, asking God for help and asking God for forgiveness.

Spring Term 1 NEWS!

During Spring Term 1 we have been studying the UK in detail. Finding out where each of the four countries are using maps and learning the capital cities and other cities in each country too. We learnt what physical and human features are and found out about the features of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
We enjoyed our Science topic continuing to look at materials by starting with a material hunt around school. Discovering the names of different liquids, we investigated what happened when we mixed them. A special delivery of eggs arrived but unfortunately one of them had broken, so we had to investigate the best material to protect them during the delivery process. In addition, we found out the names of different powders and investigate how they moving and what happened when you mix them with water.                                                                                
In computing, we continued to work on our programming by investigating Bee-Bot. We first experimented by finding out how it could move before making a video on how it works. We then used this to create algorithms to get Bee-Bot to reach different places on various mats including retelling the story of The Three Little Pigs.   In RE we studied ‘Who is Jewish and how do we know?’ We looked at different artefacts associated with the Jewish religious and asked questions about them. We looked at the mezuzah and the reason it is so important. We enjoyed sharing Challah bread when we learnt all about the celebration of Shabbat. We recalled parts of the story associated with Hanukkah and found out how Jewish people celebrate.                    
In English we have been working really hard in our Read, Write, Inc sessions: learning and going over all of the set 2 and 3 sounds and developing our fluency and comprehension skills with our daily lessons. We studied the story 'The Queen's Hat' and wrote our very own version after looking at different features. We had fun looking at a virtual tour of Buckingham Palace and listed lots of adjectives to describe it and thought of questions you may ask the reader.Discovering things that move quickly we learnt how to create a simile sentence and investigated using alliteration for effect. We have been collecting lots of verbs and learning how to change them into the past tense.             
In DT we discovered what windmills are and the different parts of the structure. We designed and made our own windmills and tested them to see if they met our design criteria.       
In Maths, we have done lots of work on number and place value, working with numbers to 20. Firstly, we looked at 'tens and ones' and how to build and make a 2-digit number. We used lots of different maths equipment to 'build' the two-digit numbers and can now recognise how the ten and ones easily. The children can also identify and represent numbers using objects and pictures. We have also focused on the language of 'greater than, less than and equal to' in order to compare larger numbers, we have done this through concrete and pictorial representations and are becoming much more confident with this.            
In PE we have had lots of fun learning different cheerleading drills keeping in time by counting in beats of 8. We worked in small groups to create our own dance by combining different drills we had learnt and selecting a leader to keep us in time. We loved performing our dances with the pom-poms! For outdoor PE we were introduced to the terms attacker and defender and learnt all the skills we will need to apply to small games next half term.

Autumn Term 2 NEWS!

During Autumn term 2...

We have worked very hard and have enjoyed learning about various topics in history. Starting by looking at who Guy Fawkes was and his significance in our history. As Remembrance Day arrived, we looked at our local war hero Alfred Wilkinson and why he is still remembered today. We have become very knowledgeable on the Great Fire of London across this half term and have been engaged with topic from start to finish by becoming historians. We began by focusing on where, when and how the fire started, using different sources of evidence to find the clues to what happened. We enjoyed recreating Pudding Lane, making wooden houses and using the methods to put out the fire in continuous provision. 

In Maths we have taken our time to secure our learning of addition and subtraction within 10. We have worked hard on being able to identify addition facts to numbers within 10 and quick recall facts of number bonds 10. In addition, we have become familiar with 2D and 3D shapes learning their names and recognising 2D shapes on 3D shapes by printing. 

In English, we looked at the poem 'Firework Night' focusing on nouns and verbs we explored the sights and sounds of bonfire night to write our very own version of the poem. Using the knowledge of the structure of this poem, we were able to write our own poems about Christmas. We have also continued to work hard within RWI. It is really important to keep up the hard work with the set 2 and 3 sounds in the coming term alongside regular reading, as preparation for the Phonics Check gets under way.  

In art, we have developed our skill of printing by experimenting with printing with Lego, playdough and using paint and ink to print. We made a tile by drawing around 2D shapes and created a repeating pattern by printing with paint. By printing our hands and feet, we produced a beautiful calendar. In computing, we learnt all about algorithms as a set of precise instructions. We investigated what happened when the instructions were not clear by programming our teacher to make a jam sandwich! We learnt how to decompose drawing a picture and how to find bugs in instructions and fix them be debugging.

The children have really enjoyed this half term's RE unit finding out why Christmas is important to Christians! We read the Christmas story and sequenced the events in order. Working in small groups, we drew one part of the story and them retold it as a class. We looked at how we would prepare for a new baby and how these would be different for a king. Re-reading the Christmas story, we looked for how Mary had prepared for the birth of Jesus and was surprised at the lack of preparation. We looked at how the different characters felt and continually reinforced the word incarnation.

In P.E. we enjoyed our indoor unit of looking at the fundamental skills of movement, balancing, throwing and catching. During outdoor PE, we studied throwing and catching. First, tracking a rolling ball, then bouncing it with control. It was tricky throwing and catching with a partner but we persevered to master it!

Our Science topic on materials started with us describing the properties of a variety of everyday materials before using our scientific enquiry skills by being real scientists. We tested which materials were best to make the skin of a teddy bear, which slime was the best, which materials were waterproof and which materials let light through!

As always, our term was finished off by a wonderful Nativity performance, the children were fantastic sheep or shepherds and did us all proud with their fantastic singing voices! 

Autumn Term 1 NEWS!

What a busy half term we have had! All of the children have settled into Year One very well and have shown a real love of learning.

In Science, we have enjoyed the topic 'All About Me!' and exploring animals including humans. We started our learning by labelling life size versions of ourselves, thinking about each body part and how we use them. From this we then discovered that we have 5 senses and learnt all about what these are, what part of the body they are linked to and how we use these to do basic daily tasks. We also explored the question 'Are humans animals?' We enjoyed learning about the different types of animals and the groups that they belong to and comparing them to ourselves.

We began our English writing journey with the poem 'When I'm by Myself' looking carefully at rhyming words and using different shapes to structure our poems. Linking with Science we used our senses to write our own poem with a similar structure. As a class we really enjoyed exploring the writing rainbow through the story 'The Train Ride.' Looking at the lenses of repetition, feeling and the basic lense looking at nouns and verbs the children were guided through writing their own version of the story selecting words from our list of new vocabulary. The children have really impressed me so far with their hard work in RWI and it is great to see such enthusiasm and eagerness to read and write, they are continuing to develop reading fluently and we can’t wait to continue this next half term. 

In music we began to pitch-match by copying the teacher making lots of different sound patterns. The children enjoyed listening to and singing a variety of simple songs; learning how to stand and sit properly when singing.

In Geography we have enjoyed learning about the weather and seasons. We started our unit by learning the months of the year and the four seasons. Through looking at different photographs we learnt to look for the signs of each season. We looked at different articles of clothing and decided which season we would wear each in. We made wind gauges and used a thermometer to keep track of the weather. Using the weather symbols we have learnt, we have been recording the weather daily and will continue to keep track of this all year.  To finish our unit we visited the park to find the signs of autumn.

In Computing we have been developing our mouse skills. First, we learnt how to log in to a computer understanding the importance of keeping our work secure by using a password. We then learnt how to access a website ‘Sketchpad’ and how to use the basic tools of fill, text and shapes. We developed our control of the mouse through dragging, clicking and resizing images to create different effects. Applying our skills, we drew a scene from the story of the three little pigs and a self-portrait using the digital tools in Sketchpad.

We began our Artwork by looking at shape in abstract compositions by Beatriz Milhazes and used coloured circles to compose our very own piece of abstract art.  We studied the work of Bridget Riley, using a specific technique to create our own class masterpiece using different lines in chalk. We then moved on to the artists David Hockney & Vija Celmins, using lines to represent the waves in the sea. Next, we looked at colour mixing the primary colours to make secondary colours using playdough and paint. Finally, we applied our skills to draw a self-portrait which all look amazing!

In PE we have explored the school games value of passion. We began ourtennis unit by learning how to shake hands with our racquet to hold it correctly moving along different pathways. Then it was time to try and keep control of our ball balancing it on our racquet before playing a game of floor tennis! We then tossed the pancake by flipping a beanbag on our racquet before attempting the challenge of tapping up a ball on our racquetIn addition, we have been developing our ball control by bouncing, throwing and catching different sized balls. For indoor PE we have been improving our gymnastic skillsBy travelling in different ways, we have been developing our coordination. We learnt the new language is straddle, pike and tuck when controlling our balances and have put all of our skills together to make sequences with a beginning, middle and end using travelling to link balances together.

In RE we have looked at different symbols which people use to show which faith they belong to, Christian, Jewish or Muslim. We have learnt that loving each other is a key message in all faiths and we studied the ways in which people show they love each other. We looked at the way people our welcomed into their faith when they are born and found out what it meant to people to belong to a community.