Christ Church C.E. Primary School

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 Fundraising- Courageous Advocacy

Children in Need- November 2023

We turned our School purple and raised money for Wigan & Leigh Hospice- July 2023

Red Nose Day- March 2023

Coat Collection to help the homeless over Winter- December 2022

Raising money for Wigan & Leigh Hospice- December 2022

Children in Need- November 2022

Year 5's Fundraising for their chosen class charity- SWAP (Summer Term 2 2022)

Year 4's Fundraising for their chosen class charity- The Salvation Army (Summer Term 2 2022)

Year 6's Fundraising for their chosen class charity- Guide Dogs (Summer Term 1 2022)

Year 3's Fundraising for their chosen class charity- The Salvation Army (Spring Term 2 2022)

Year 2's Fundraising for their chosen class charity- Guide Dogs (Spring Term 1 2022)

Reception's Fundraising for their chosen class charity- Manchester Children's Hospital (Spring Term 1 2022)

Year 1's Fundraising for their chosen class charity- Christian Aid (Autumn Term 2 2021)

Children in Need- Friday 13th November 2020

We may not have been able to do our usual fundraising events this year for Children in Need, due to Covid and having to stay in our bubbles, but we still managed to raise a fantastic £215.00 by dressing up in our own clothes. 

The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal- November 2020

Thank you to everyone who donated to the Poppy Appeal, we raised an amazing £315.16. Well done everyone.

Fundraising during Autumn Term 2019

Children in Need- 15th November 2019

Well done to our Ethos Team for organising today’s Children in Need fundraising events and congratulations to our Christ Church Family for coming together and raising an amazing £487.65. 

The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal- 11th November 2019

Well done to everyone who came along to our Poppy shop in the hall during the week leading up to Remembrance Sunday. We managed to raise a fantastic amount of £377.15 – THANK YOU

Year 3's Courageous Advocacy Project- Thirst Relief Charity 2019/2020

Macmillian Cancer Coffee Morning- Friday 27th September 2019

Thank you to everyone who came along to our MacMillan Coffee Morning. We managed to raise an amazing £193.31, which was then made up to £200.00 by one of our parents.

Bag Packing at Morrisons Leigh to fundraise for our new Infant Playground- Sunday 9th June 2019

It took us over an hour and a half to count all the money collected at our recent bag pack at Morrisons and no wonder, as we managed to raise an amazing £970.54. What an achievement! Thank you to all the children and parents who gave up their time to help, you did an amazing job and should be very proud that you have 'Made a difference' Thank you also to the parents that came in to do their shopping and donated as well.